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Anne Packard

Her art was initially worked on wood panels from wind drift along the shores of Cape Cod. These smaller bookshelf-sized, icon-like images delighted and inspired viewers, vistas of land, sea, and sky glowing like jewels. The artist Robert Motherwell saw great talent in Packard and purchased twenty-three of her paintings for his collection. With greater knowledge and practiced discipline, new directions emerged. 

Her studio is the largest room in her bayside home. Working above the tidal edge, in sight of the harbor and the open water beyond, she is kept mindful of the suddenness of nature’s changing moods. Her painting evokes the surge of relentlessly driven winter seas as well as the tranquil planes of dunes at rest, or an inviting narrow trail winding through sharp bladed dune grasses.


The beauty and the natural light moved her, invoking a sense of nostalgia and reverence of nature’s ever-changing atmospheres. She used driftwood and weathered shingles as her canvases and turned the kitchen table into her studio. Packard honed her mastery blending of colors to create depth to various atmospheres, horizons, and nature's temperaments. 

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A red row boat on the edge of the shore line.

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