Leslie Lew
"With humor and deep affection for the products and popular iconography of the past, Leslie Lew creates extravagant interpretations of comic book heroes, food packaging and board games. Her thickly sculpted, painted surface is the artists signature method and called "Sculpted Oils". Images that we perhaps associate with mass production are enlived by highly textured brushstokes and expansive scale. They are at once art and artifice- delighting in the seductive visual dynamics of commericialization while also imbued with a personal, interpretive quality that is distinctly anti-cynical.
When faced with the legendary things and characters of our youth, it's hard not to smile, to remember the pleasure of eating animal crackers, toting the box on its little with string; to feel a little girls's aspiration to be Wonder Women, and to be transported by cartoon lives- so familiar and yet so unlike our own."