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Kerry Burch

Kerry has a great appreciation for design and aesthetics, and her art is a direct reflection of what she observes in nature and in urban environments. As an abstract artist that paints intuitively, Kerry values the freedom to deviate from realism. There are variable levels and types of abstraction in her work: sometimes the inspiration is recognizable, and at other times inspiration evolves into its own creation. For Kerry, abstraction removes the constraints of what something is "supposed" to look like and enables her to experiment with any of a number of variables such as composition, texture, and mark-making. The mindset that Kerry takes and the flexibility to not make everything so precious is what helps her to arrive at unique interpretations of the original inspiration.

In addition to abstraction, her use of color is a unifying element in her portfolio. Kerry’s brain is wired for color, and she is not afraid to use a variety of bright and bold colors. She paints primarily with fast-drying acrylics and uses glazing to build both texture and pleasing depths of color and contrast on the canvas. The use of both hard-edging and painterly method techniques in Kerry’s work has been influenced by artists that work with bold color palettes, including contemporary artist Jane Filer from North Carolina, Sonia Delaunay, a Ukrainian-born, French artist from the 1930s, and by Sol LeWitt's brightly colored geometrics and wall drawings.

jukebox, golf and star wars 18x14 500.jpg
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